World’s heaviest 10-year-old who eats 5meals a day & can't walk, put on a crash diet by parents who fear he’ll die (photos)

A 10 year old boy Arya Permana who eats 5 meals a day, weighs 30 Stone (192kg) and quit school because he can't walk, has now been put on a special diet by his parents who feel he's going to die. The boy, who is the world's fattest 10 year old, gobbles down the heavy meals, consisting of rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup and Tempeh – a traditional soy patty – which is normally enough to feed two adults. His parents have been unable to find clothes that fit him, leading to Arya wearing just a sarong. His mother Rokayah Somantri said: “My son is growing up at a rapid rate and I am worried for his health.I do not know any other way to stop him from gaining more weight than to give him less food. He is perpetually hungry and has an enormous diet, and can actually eat meals of two adults at one time. “He is always tired and complains of shortness of breath. He only eats and sleeps, and when he is not done with both, he jumps into the bathtub and stays there for hours...