The Bloody Legacy of Usman Dan Fodio (part 1) - By FFK

Read his piece below... On 19th September 2016 after the latest bombing in New York, Mr. Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, said "In the 20th century the United States of America defeated fascism, nazism and communism. Today the United States of America must destroy (radical) Islamism". Mr. Trump is absolutely right! Yet it is not just in America that the scourge of jihadi violence and Islamist terror must be destroyed. It must be uprooted, defeated and destroyed throughout the entire world, including Nigeria. Sadly in this respect things appear to be getting worse. Reports coming in suggest that no less than eight Christian worshippers were murdered in cold blood whilst their Church was burnt to the ground in Borno state just yesterday. One wonders when this sad and sorry tale will end. One wonders when this recurrent and utterly beastly bloodfest and this outrageous orgy of violence will stop? If it is not Fulani ...