3 REASONS PEOPLE DON'T MEET THEIR SALES TARGETS By Cletus Edet 1) THE WRONG MINDSET This is the root cause of poor performance by a lot of people. This must be addressed first if not there will be no progress. I hear people say things like, "the market is dry", or "I'm not a natural sales person," this is equal to saying, "Making money is not natural to me." 2) POOR WORK ETHIC In other words laziness. When you assume a new sales role or business the first thing is to use the law of 100 which involves contacting 100 people within the next week to talk to them about your product. This will help you breakthrough any initial fears of rejection and get the awareness of your product into the market due to its ripple effect. Another aspect of poor work ethic is broken focus. When you're following up, only be following up; when you're prospecting, only be prospecting, not doing these and calling friends or hanging out on Social Media at...